Donation of Sunoko sugar for homes of children without parental care throughout Serbia

05.01.2017. | News and Press Releases
Donation of Sunoko sugar for homes of children without parental care throughout Serbia

One of the most important values ​​of the company Sunoko, a member of MK Group system, is social responsibility. We’ve been striving for years to be a responsible and reliable partner of the community where our employees, associates and consumers work and live, therefore we were honoured to respond to the invitation of the Foundation of Her Royal Highness Princess Katherine to give support to the children without parental care, aged from three to twelve years.

In early 2017, the Foundation has hosted for three days a traditional Christmas reception for more than 1,200 children without parental care. Santa Clause has brought a New Year’s athmosphere and gave presents to the children, as well as animators of the ensemble “Čigra” and the children’s choir „Čarolija“ music program.

Sunoko has supported this charity event by donating sugar for about 15 homes across Serbia in which the children without parental care and children with disabilitieslive and reside.

Sunoko continuously supported the Foundation of Her Royal Highness Princess Catherine and in 2016 Sunoko donated one ton of sugar to meet the needs of the most vulnerable. Half of the donation, 500 kilograms of sugar was delivered to the General Hospital in Sombor and the other half to the orphanage “Mika Antić”.