Sunoko is the Holder of the Čuvarkuća (Common Houseleek) Trademark for 8 Products

22.10.2020. | News and Press Releases
Sunoko is the Holder of the Čuvarkuća (Common Houseleek) Trademark for 8 Products

21 October 2020, Novi Sad – The Chamber of Commerce of Serbia launched the project “Created in Serbia” and created the label “Čuvarkuća” to provide support to domestic products and producers, but also to educate consumers about the importance of buying these products, as well as their high quality and domestic origin.
As announced by the Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, the right to the Čuvarkuća seal, as a confirmation of the quality and value created in Serbia, was confirmed by the Council for Deciding on the Right to Use the Collective Trademark for 8 products of Sunoko.
„The Company Sunoko is recognized as the most efficient sugar producer in Southeast Europe, and the Čuvarkuća Trademark is another confirmation of the quality of our sugar. The long-term success of the company would not be possible without the employees and their effort and commitment, which is confirmed by this recognition “, said Slobodan Košutić, Director of Sunoko.
The Serbian Chamber of Commerce points out that it is important that the first традемаркс “чуваркућа” of this sector are products of renowned companies, with a long tradition on the domestic market. The seal “Čuvarkuća” gives domestic products a confirmation that they have above-average quality, at the level or even above the quality of imported products from the given category.