The company Sunoko is an environmentally responsible company that performs all business activities in accordance with the mission of preserving a healthy living environment. We believe that a healthy environment is a stimulus that leads us constantly in our mission to work and therefore give contribution to raising the employees’ awareness about the preservation of natural resources but also to influence the wider population. This is achieved by informing the public about important environmental activities, but also by investing in high-end technology.
During 2013, the production centers Pećinci, Kovačica and Vrbas invested about 27 million euro in the environment protection, improvement of the product quality and safety, increase in capacity and reduce of costs.
Ever since its establishment the company Sunoko opted for the environmental preservation and will continue to follow these principles in the future. We hope that others will understand the importance of this principles and that we will not be alone in this mission in the near future, however, we hope we will have a good and industrious “green” companions.