Sunoko plans

10.05.2014. | News and Press Releases
Sunoko plans

In 2013, 262,000 tons of sugar from 35,000 hectares of sugar beet was produced in the production centers of the company “Sunoko” in Vrbas, Pećinci and Kovačica. At the beginning of this year, 70% of sowing was already agreed and is expected that planned quantities will be agreed.

The production center Pećinci is currently conducting activities in terms of preparation for the overhaul for this season as well as works on the capital investment – construction of a Molasses Desugarization Plant.

Obtaining the sugar from molasses was not present in Serbia up till now. However, there are several factories that use this or similar technology in Europe. High-end technology for the processing of molasses which is about to be used in the sugar factory in Pećinci represent a combination of French and Finnish equipment. Status of investment is that most of the equipment has already arrived to the factory; assembly of the new plant building is in the final stage and technological and energetic connection of equipment, as well as linking measurement and control equipment.